Since we started the press in January, we’ve been working on populating the blog with reviews of our favourite science fiction, fantasy, and horror, focusing on environmental content. In this post we’re recapping all the reviews we posted in 2020, organized by date (earliest to latest) and type of review.
Reckoning 4 is a collection of creative writing like a cry of grief for what we have already lost. But it is also comfort, retribution, and the re-creation of exquisite hybrid forms rarely before imagined. Read on for more about the stories we loved from Reckoning’s 2020 volume.
In this post, our Publishing Consultant and occasional proofreader Jacqueline Langille writes about her favourite books and films, and what she has learned from the unforgiving environment in science fiction.
We had so much fun doing a conversational review of Stephen Graham Jones’ The Only Good Indians that Selena Middleton and Kristen Shaw are tackling Diane Cook’s The New Wilderness, a book that’s been called “the environmental novel of our times.” In this review, we tackle some of the book’s big ideas.
Both Stelliform 2020 titles โ Sim Kern’s Depart, Depart! and Michael J. DeLuca’s Night Roll โ have gotten some fantastic reviews. Let’s take a moment to revisit the hype!
This past month, I (Selena Middleton, Stelliform Publisher and EIC) read Stephen Graham Jones’s The Only Good Indians alongside my friend and invaluable Stelliform helper and fellow English PhD, Kristen Shaw. Since our conversations often fall into fairly nerdy literary analysis, we thought we would share our thoughts about The Only Good Indians in the form of the conversation that we might have had if the pandemic had not prevented an in-person meeting. What follows is our conversation-review of SGJ’s novel, which was published by Saga Press in July 2020.
Kathleen Jennings’ Flyaway is an Australian gothic novella that scales up the haunted house trope to encompass a landscape. In this review, I’ll focus on some of the book’s ecological themes which are largely presented to the reader in the form of fairy tales.
Both our forthcoming 2020 titles, Depart, Depart! by Sim Kern and Night Roll by Michael J. Deluca have received Publishers Weekly reviews. Read the reviews here.
Editors Zelda Knight and Ekpeki Oghenechovwe Donald are bringing speculative fiction by writers from Africa and the African diaspora to a wider audience. For readers who are interested in the broad spectrum of speculative fiction, this anthology offers science fiction, fantasy, science fantasy, horror, and myth โ sometimes within the same story.
Both of our fall titles are now available to download for review purposes from NetGalley. Signing up for NetGalley is free. Users receive a DRM-protected ebook and the opportunity to post their reviews on the NetGalley site. Reviewers can also post their reviews to Goodreads, Amazon, or their own blogs or other social media. We appreciate every review!