Something in the lone survivor knows that even the ironclad law of Now can be outlasted. There’s work to do. Star-work, but earthbound all the same.
Richard Powers, The Overstory
Stelliform Press is a small independent literary press which publishes novellas, novels, short story collections, and works of creative non-fiction which address our world’s most pressing problems: climate change, ecological destruction, and the effect of these issues on how we relate to each other and to the other beings that live with us in the world. We see these problems as systemic and pervasive, exacerbating long-standing social issues. Our stories challenge us to confront the roots of injustice which prevent us from achieving a better world for all.
Because of this, Stelliform Press stories address environmental issues from many different perspectives and are, foremost, emotional and relational or interconnected narratives which can help us to find the strength and inspiration we need to confront the uncertain future. To do the work we need to do.
Why Stelliform?
“Stelliform” is a word describing star-shaped geological formations as well as the shapes of certain plants and animals, such as the Earthstar fungus of our logo. The star, in this way, connects the earth-bound with the interstellar, the material with the cosmic. Similarly, Stelliform Press seeks narratives which reach beyond the confines of what seems possible or probable, narratives which write a “star map” from the everyday, to the complex interactions of human and nonhuman, to the big ideas that must change us if we are to save ourselves.
Our Publishing Model
Stelliform Press is seeking primarily genre fiction (science fiction, fantasy, and horror) but will also consider literary fiction with some genre crossover. Please see the Submissions page for more information. Reading our blog will also give you an idea of titles we’re reading and what we love about them.
We are making use of some elements of traditional print publishing as well as some features of Print on Demand and Ebook platforms. Stelliform titles will feature professional eye-catching cover art and interior design and will be distributed worldwide in multiple formats, including Paperback, and Ebook. Limited edition hardcovers are, we hope, in our future.
We currently make our books available on Amazon, but encourage readers to support us through buying through our website or through independent bookstores worldwide. If you’d like to read more about this position, check out this blog post.
An Environmentally-Conscious Publishing Plan
As a new press, we are implementing the following policies and protocols to reduce our impact on the environment:
- No or very limited printed proofs during the editing process
- Post-consumer waste (PCW) paper for some editions
- Use of vegetable inks; no metallic inks which pollute waterways
- Some use of Print on Demand technology reducing carbon emissions from long-distance shipping
- Engagement with local printers, local independent bookshops, libraries, and festivals and conventions in both the publisher’s and author’s communities
- Use of conferencing technology for long-distance national and international events
- Maintain a no air travel policy and reduce fossil-fuel burning travel whenever possible
Within 5 years, we are aiming to implement the following policies and procedures:
- All editions printed on PCW recycled paper as soon as availability and funds make this an option
- All editions printed using a waterless printing process
- Participation in the Tree Neutral or Tree Canada Programs, or other resource use offset programs
As we make a place for our books within the publishing industry, we will continue to seek out new eco-friendly options in all areas of production and distribution. We are always learning about the effects of our business on local and global environments and revising our operations to do business in an ecologically sustainable way.