Today is the publication day for Rae Mariz’s underwater fantasy novella Weird Fishes. This is a heartfelt deepsea adventure featuring Ceph, a sentient cephalopod, and Iliokai, a lonely sealfolk mermaid who together seek to stop the ocean’s currents from slowing. We are also excited to share with the world a brilliant cover by Toronto artist Julia Louise Pereira.

Where Can I Buy Weird Fishes?
Weird Fishes is available wherever books are sold. We have paperback copies printed on recycled paper, and digital copies that are always on sale at You can also order Weird Fishes from your favorite indie bookshop. If online booksellers are your thing, the novella is available here:
- Weightless Books (for DRM-free ebooks)
- Barnes and Noble
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Come to the Weird Fishes Book Launch

We’re having a book launch to celebrate this wonderful story. Author Rae Mariz will read from the novella and then be interviewed by award-winning writer and reviewer Maria Haskins. Tickets are free, or pick up a print or ebook at a discount. We hope to see you there!