At Stelliform Press, we want to disseminate stories which change the way we think about human relationships to the environment and the non-humans who live in it with us. We want to disrupt the cultural/capitalist imperatives which influence how we behave in this space. How we affect this space.
But like any environmentalist who has heard the wailing of the absolutist or essentialist responding to political protest (“How did they get there? By car! Using fossil fuels!”), we know that we exist within the system. We know that “primitivism” and other isolationist approaches are not answers to climate change. We know that most Western lives have the biggest ecological footprint.
Our Sustainability Plan
We are starting small, but we have a plan to ensure that we take each step forward with our effect on local and global ecologies in mind. Our About the Press page now outlines what we are currently doing toward environmental sustainability and what actions we plan for the future.
As a new press, we are implementing the following policies and protocols to reduce our impact on the environment:
No or very limited printed proofs during the editing process Post-consumer waste (PCW) paper for some editions Use of vegetable inks; no metallic inks which pollute waterways Some use of Print on Demand technology reducing carbon emissions from long-distance shipping Engagement with local printers, bookshops, libraries, and festivals and conventions Use of conferencing technology for long-distance events Maintain a no air travel policy and reduce fossil-fuel burning travel Within 5 years, we are aiming to implement the following policies and procedures:
All editions printed on PCW recycled paper All editions printed using a waterless printing process Participation in the Tree Neutral or Tree Canada Programs
A Note about Acquisitions and Authors’ Rights
Some authors have asked what rights we are buying. Currently we are buying first world English electronic and print rights. As we grow, we will also consider audiobook rights. Our contract includes clauses for rights reversion in different situations should the author and/or publisher wish to terminate their relationship.
This information is now included on our Submission Guidelines page.